All About Mighty Lady

She's got green hair, cute bug eyes, and a million-dollar-smile to boot. A normal girl who's a giant alien that fights for love...I think.

In less than 30 minutes, you can learn all about Mighty Lady. Or try to, anyway.

It's odd. It's saccharine. It's cute. A Garfield plushie gets nailed to a wall at one point. It could almost be described as dream-like, in the sense that dreams don't always make sense after you wake, but you had fun anyway. In fact, it's a lot like that first episode of Haruhi—wait, this makes it sound like I've never seen a student movie before. I guess that's true for Tokusatsu movies, though…

The movie is a few shorts, stitched together with some interview segments of who I assume is the lady herself. They vary in length, budget, and clarity, going from hokey student movies to like, kind of genuinely impressive effects, but there's an indelible charm throughout the whole thing.

What is it that makes a tokusatsu good? I wouldn't know. I just know I loved meeting Mighty Lady—maybe you'll love her, too.

MapleStory - Knife